Amber Teething Necklaces: Yay or Nay?

Posted on December 18, 2019 | Hot Topics

Amber Teething Necklaces: Yay or Nay?

You know the drill: your once angelic child becomes cranky and clingy, all while slobbering over everything you own. What happened? It’s the teething saga yet again.

There’s nothing worse than seeing your child in pain, even when the discomfort is caused by something necessary like growing teeth. Amber teething necklaces have become a popular, natural alternative to conventional or medicinal methods of pain management. The amber is supposed to house something called succinic acid that secretes from the amber when warmed by skin contact causing an anti-inflammatory effect for swollen gums. While amber teething necklaces have been found to contain genuine Baltic amber, the scientific community has found no evidence to suggest that succinic acid has anti-inflammatory properties or that it can be released from the beads onto human skin.

With an increasing concern from the medical community about the popularity of this method, the FDA released a statement last year that gave the discussion national attention. And the caution hasn’t only been for lack of scientific support. Many medical professionals warn against using amber teething necklaces because the small beads are a choking and strangulation hazard. The American Academy of Pediatrics released an updated regulatory statement in 2010 that warned parents about giving children under the age of three access to objects smaller than the circumference of a cardboard toilet paper roll.

If amber teething necklaces are ruled out, then how do you provide safe, natural, and effective relief for your child? We believe caring for your child can be safe and effective. You don’t have to sacrifice either of those values! Here are some other methods we suggest:

  1. Cool washcloth. A soft cloth combined with a cool surface will soothe sore gums.
  2. Teething ring. Babies chew on things when they’re teething because the counter pressure offers relief, so invest in a silicone teething ring.
  3. Mesh feeder. Put cool (but not frozen) foods in a mesh feeder and let your child chomp away. Just make sure not to leave them unattended with the feeder.
  4. Teething gloves. Usually covered in silicone, teething gloves go over your child’s hand so they cover their hands in drool while protecting their little fingers.

Teething is one of the most grueling experiences of early childhood (and parenthood). We hope these suggestions leave you feeling more empowered to face the teething adventures with confidence and clarity. Let us know which alternative method has been the most helpful for you!

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