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Unlocking the Secrets of Palatal Expanders: A Guide to How They Work

So, you’ve heard the term “palatal expander” thrown around at your child’s dental appointments, and you’re curious—what exactly are these contraptions, and how do they work their magic? Sit tight, …

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When Should a Child Get Braces?

When it comes to a child’s oral health, we want to give them the best chance at enjoying a comfortable, functional, and healthy smile. This may mean that braces will …

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10 Things You Want To Know About Braces

So you’re curious about braces? Whatever the reason, you’ve found yourself wondering about braces; you’re not alone! Over four-million Americans are wearing braces at this very moment. Here are a …

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Adult orthodontics image

More adults are receiving orthodontic treatment than ever before, and experts believe this trend is here to stay. With one-in-three orthodontic patients being over the age of 18, we believe …

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